Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

When we wake up every day we have an opportunity to change the world. May sound cliche but we truly do! Inside of all of us is an unquenchable passion, an endless abyss of energy, and, often an untapped source of "inner fuel".

What motivates you? Faith? Family? A charity close to your heart? A dream not yet fulfilled?

Once you discover what intrinsically motivates you, you'll tap into an abundant source of energy that will not only help you maintain momentum and sustain optimism...it will bring you to new levels of satisfaction...whether it be personally, professionally, or spiritually.

We got one go around on this roller coaster of life...are you going to ride with your eyes closed clinging to safety? Or are you going to embrace the moments with arms raised, eyes wide open...screaming your lungs out?

Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

-- Read, enjoy, and please share! Tiffany

Friday, May 27, 2011

Money and dreams

This morning, amidst the flurry of activity in my home (cheerios poured, lunches packed, teeth brushed. etc) the song "Bittersweet Symphony" streamed in the background..."'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life. You are a slave to money then you die." Not really uplifting at all. But how true it is. Could this song be seen as a theme song to our lives?

How many decisions do we make on a daily basis that are directly related to our financial status? Where we live, where we work, what we eat, where we travel, what we wear, what we embark on and ultimately, what we compromise on. Lately, to me, life has become one big compromise. What was important and dream-driven has now been put on the back burner in exchange for long work hours, microwave dinners, getting those darn bills paid, and basically, flipping calendar pages in a survivalist mentality.

How did we get here? Where the almighty dollar takes precedence over family time...in which a strangers perception of us is more important than how our children view us. Where dreams have a price tag and our time is worth less and less and less. Gratitude and selflessness has been replaced with greed and selfishness. Our cups are being filled with temporary "boosts"...and the cycle continues. We are so wrapped up in clinging to the dollars in our worn pockets that it has led us to relinquish the things we believe in.

Remember, we got one life...one go around to make it happen. How can we change our mind's thinking to avoid being slaves to money and becoming victorious in our dream fulfillment? The answer is balance. And to achieve this balance, we quit selling our time for next to nothing and start charting our dreams. Making your dreams real to you and others will only instill a deep motivation to propel yourself forward, to a place where what you truly believe in is how you live.

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