Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

When we wake up every day we have an opportunity to change the world. May sound cliche but we truly do! Inside of all of us is an unquenchable passion, an endless abyss of energy, and, often an untapped source of "inner fuel".

What motivates you? Faith? Family? A charity close to your heart? A dream not yet fulfilled?

Once you discover what intrinsically motivates you, you'll tap into an abundant source of energy that will not only help you maintain momentum and sustain optimism...it will bring you to new levels of satisfaction...whether it be personally, professionally, or spiritually.

We got one go around on this roller coaster of life...are you going to ride with your eyes closed clinging to safety? Or are you going to embrace the moments with arms raised, eyes wide open...screaming your lungs out?

Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

-- Read, enjoy, and please share! Tiffany

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Definition of Insanity

With that being said, why do we continue to repeat past behaviors and EXPECT different things to happen? Is our self-accountability level so low that we think we don’t need to make a change…that others need to change?  The answer is yes.  In the grand scheme of things, the only way your life is going to change is if you change the one person that controls it…you.  Just by changing the way you react to a circumstance or even to challenge yourself to set goals for yourself that you never deemed possible can put you on a life path of personal success and triumph. 


One of my shortcomings has always been to believe the very best in others but not in myself.  How can I preach “love yourself” and not practice it?  How can I legitimately write about inner passions fueling outward abilities and not follow through with it in my own life?  You whisper “hypocrite” as you read this but yet, aren’t we all guilty of expecting others to rise up to the changes we don’t have the courage to make within ourselves?  OUCH!  Yah well that’s the kind of writer I want to be.  Fearless…and truthful. 


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi


So I am putting myself out there…

I have been saying for 10 years (YES - 10) that I was going back to school. I am enrolled to start in January 2013 pending acceptance (keeping fingers crossed!)

I have been saying for over 5 years I wanted to write a book. Well it may take some time to publish but this is a pretty good start.

I want to be an independent strong woman…a great mother…a wonderful friend…and most of all humble.

The other day my daughter peeked up at me gawking at my mirror image and said “mom you don’t need to look in the mirror; you always look good”           

Ahhhhhh humility…


The challenge to you is learn what you can and apply it when needed and you will feel the change within you and see it around you.  The “insanity cycle” will cease to spin and results will be a whole lot better than you can even imagine. I promise.


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