Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

When we wake up every day we have an opportunity to change the world. May sound cliche but we truly do! Inside of all of us is an unquenchable passion, an endless abyss of energy, and, often an untapped source of "inner fuel".

What motivates you? Faith? Family? A charity close to your heart? A dream not yet fulfilled?

Once you discover what intrinsically motivates you, you'll tap into an abundant source of energy that will not only help you maintain momentum and sustain optimism...it will bring you to new levels of satisfaction...whether it be personally, professionally, or spiritually.

We got one go around on this roller coaster of life...are you going to ride with your eyes closed clinging to safety? Or are you going to embrace the moments with arms raised, eyes wide open...screaming your lungs out?

Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

-- Read, enjoy, and please share! Tiffany

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Definition of Insanity

With that being said, why do we continue to repeat past behaviors and EXPECT different things to happen? Is our self-accountability level so low that we think we don’t need to make a change…that others need to change?  The answer is yes.  In the grand scheme of things, the only way your life is going to change is if you change the one person that controls it…you.  Just by changing the way you react to a circumstance or even to challenge yourself to set goals for yourself that you never deemed possible can put you on a life path of personal success and triumph. 


One of my shortcomings has always been to believe the very best in others but not in myself.  How can I preach “love yourself” and not practice it?  How can I legitimately write about inner passions fueling outward abilities and not follow through with it in my own life?  You whisper “hypocrite” as you read this but yet, aren’t we all guilty of expecting others to rise up to the changes we don’t have the courage to make within ourselves?  OUCH!  Yah well that’s the kind of writer I want to be.  Fearless…and truthful. 


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi


So I am putting myself out there…

I have been saying for 10 years (YES - 10) that I was going back to school. I am enrolled to start in January 2013 pending acceptance (keeping fingers crossed!)

I have been saying for over 5 years I wanted to write a book. Well it may take some time to publish but this is a pretty good start.

I want to be an independent strong woman…a great mother…a wonderful friend…and most of all humble.

The other day my daughter peeked up at me gawking at my mirror image and said “mom you don’t need to look in the mirror; you always look good”           

Ahhhhhh humility…


The challenge to you is learn what you can and apply it when needed and you will feel the change within you and see it around you.  The “insanity cycle” will cease to spin and results will be a whole lot better than you can even imagine. I promise.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Stay Inspired

I am finding more and more it’s so hard to find good and even harder to find inspiration.  How can we stay inspired?  Life beats us up on so many different levels…emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Getting up each day, putting our feet on the ground and moving forward can be a daily challenge and we’d be lying to ourselves if we said it was easy.

Life is what it is…embrace the valleys of your life. 

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.
Horace Bushnell

My daily struggles range from work disappointment to child meltdowns to an empty wallet to the ultimate worry that I am just not good enough.

Find inspiration in EVERY little thing you can.  Laughter…a child’s voice…a favorite song…the sunshine…or a single quiet moment.  Our days on this earth are numbered…and each one is a gift.  This post may seem cliché but honestly and selfishly, I NEED TO BE INSPIRED.  And I need to remind myself how to be inspired.  So very blessed I am with healthy children, great love in my life, wonderful friends and family, a steady job, and a peaceful home. 

What inspires you?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

77 days and counting...

77 days ago I started my new job or shall I say embarked on my new adventure. During these past 77 days, I have made significant changes in my life, mainly with my new schedule and my new found time with family.

Weekends are weekends again, and family dinners are spent around a table not in front of a TV. A normalcy that I haven't know for quite some time is beginning to set in and I like it. The moments of me missing where I was have been replaced with enjoying where I am going, what I am doing, and who I am meeting.

Everyday I have the opportunity to meet someone who wants to change their life for the better. The time is NOW for them; they are fed up with the struggle and with settling for less. The "dreamkillers" in their lives have been silenced by me...who they see as a "dreammaker". Countless conversations, emails and phone calls have led them to meet with me to discuss their future steps...their career path...their inner fears and ultimately their dreams. I can honestly say that I love my job.

What I am also realizing on this new adventure is that you don't have to wait on an opportunity to inspire someone. Everyday, someone crosses your path that is disheartened, broken, saturated with an overwhelming sense of despair...what are YOU going to do about it?

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunites. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them."
- O. S. Marden

Often we look past these "troubled" people, too busy focused on our own problems and our own world of "hurt"...and we MISS what could be a lifechanging moment for not only that individual but for ourselves. Do yourself a favor - LOOK around, LISTEN better, LEARN more, and LIVE TO YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL EVERYDAY. Know that each day you are given on this earth is a gift...is a privilege...is an opportunity to makes someone's dreams come true.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I have recently changed jobs. After five years, I changed careers and in essence, completely changed my life... It's exciting, scary and sometimes just lonely. I miss my friends, the life I lived and the many many wonderful clients I worked with. I miss knowing everything and being the "go-to" person. But recently, I heard someone say "If you aren't moving forward, you are moving backward." How true is this statement? Do we settle for less more than we strive for better? Do we fear change? We push our children to do better, listen better, perform better but do we do the same for ourselves? I will personally tell you that a day does not go by that I don't struggle with my past. The reality is that I am where I am because of all of those choices...every decision I have ever made, good or bad. So I guess the real question is do I like where I am? Do you like where YOU are? My new job has opened my eyes to a lot of opportunity within the world and most importantly, within myself. I would never have dreamed of leaving my "safe place" of 5+ years but BECAUSE of my recent life changes...moving closer to family, changing my lifestyle, and shifting my focus on what was truly important, I would never have known of this new job nevermind go for it. In reality, I was a risk to hire. A newcomer to the field, no experience...just what my personality had to offer. And that was enough. Wow...what a relief! I guess what I am trying to wrap my head around is, why we have to go through what we do in order to get to a better place? And why is it so hard to let go of the past when it does nothing but haunt you?
I don't believe in ghosts. And I think allowing your past blunders interfere with your future greatness is a massive stumbling block. Many of us have been knocked down, been given up on or left behind. Life is a fight and there are days I gotta dig real deep to even put two feet on the ground and get moving! "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Ghandhi Look forward with hope and use your life experience to progress and propel yourself to a better place everyday. Bye for now...

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Rush rush rush

…running yellow lights…late again…check Facebook…text back “yes!” on church picnic…”kids turn down your video games, I’m trying to talk on the phone!”… drive-thru meals in the car…check the DVR to make sure it’s recording a show you will never have time to watch…”did I put clothes in the dryer?”…”sure, I can work an extra shift”…. midnight laundry folding sessions…update status that “life is great!”...fall into bed…wake up exhausted…and do it all over again.

This was me. For YEARS.  Stretched thin, little joy, barely getting by…trying to be all things to all people.  I looked in the mirror and I didn’t recognize the reflection.  All I saw was a tired, anxious and defeated image of my former self.  And then I walked away and started enjoying my life.

I moved away from the “perfect” neighborhood to be near a strong support system; I turned my Mercedes in for a “kid shuttle”; I quit my high paying job and regained my nights and weekends; I began cooking dinner again and I allowed people in my life that showed humility and a true belief for family values and roots that inspire me daily.  I learned how to garden (well re-learned…my passion for gardening had been stifled).  I turned the TV off, plugged my phone in when I arrived home, dusted off board games and learned to spend TIME with my growing children, listening to their dreams and enjoying their silliness. 

Our modern day lives pull us from one place to the next and distracts us from what is important and what is real.  Peaceful car rides have now become a multi-tasking environment.  The dinner table has become a coffee table in front of the television.  Texting has replaced conversation because we are too busy (?!?) to talk.

My life is still VERY busy…sometimes overwhelmingly busy.  But it’s busy with the right things…sunsets, soccer games, Sunday dinners, bonfires, family movie night, homemade brownies…moments.  Moments I have been missing…moments I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Maybe simplifying is not an option for you right now but you can set a goal to simplify.    Start with just ONE thing; your full plate will be lighter and your days will be brighter and the simple life will draw you in like a beautiful sunrise…I promise.



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Be True To You

So at 38 I am learning you can't please everyone. Most of the time, honestly, you can't please ANYONE. We bend, we change, we conform to what WE think people want us to be. And where we end up is confused but most importantly, we end up not living our best. We are each given a gift...a gift of uniqueness, originality, and of purpose. If we are constantly trying to please others we are trying to live out other's ideas of purpose for us and our unique original selves get lost.
Favorite child author Dr. Seuss says it best: "Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you'er than you!" I have made countless choices based soley on people's perceptions of what I SHOULD have done. Instead of ending up happy and fulfilled, I have been left with making other choices...harder choices to put me back on the path I was supposed to be on. After close to 5 years, I can say I have my happy back. My voice may shake when I am speaking the truth, but at least it speaks it! The fear of rejection and the worry of not being good enough fades a little bit with each day of me perservering, pushing forward...straining towards the goal of being true to me. My children see a happier mom, a truer spirit, a soul-full lady living out who God intended me to be. An original. A gift. A purpose. We all have this gift inside...a gift of who WE TRULY ARE and not who the world wants us to be. Share it without fear and run your own race. "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coming Full Circle

"It's never too late to bounce back.
What goes around, comes around.
Sometimes the down times seem endless.
But they're part of a cycle.
Be persistent.
That's the key.
Keep the faith.
It may take time.
But you'll bounce back."
- from It's Never Too Late...172 Simple Acts To Change Your Life

My daughter just turned 8 this past weekend.  To think 8 years have passed since that moment she entered the world and changed my life and truly changed my everything.  My life is completely different then it was 8 years ago.  I am a single mom of my daughter and son...living in a house a quarter of the size...couponing my way out of getting my electric turned off...and to be frank, I am happier than I have ever been in my life.

Maybe I am happier because I finally like myself.  Maybe I am happier because I live a simpler life.  Maybe I am happier because after years of wanting one, I have a beautiful garden flourishing with fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs. Maybe I am happier because I have realized that it is the little wonderful moments that help us move forward to a better place.

Eight years ago, the house I resided in was bustling with kids and neighbors and friends...it was the stopover between dropping kids off at school, running them to events, a quick cup of coffee or on the way out to another fun group dinner.  With the garage door always open, we entertained the neighborhood kids with a seemingly endless supply of juice boxes, popsicles, and snacks.  It was a fun, lively place and it was a life I had always wanted.

And now, once again, after some difficult times and tough decisions, my house has become a bustling "stopover" with no less than five children running through, munching on fresh fruit, sipping down sweet tea and dancing to whatever is on the radio.  Neighbors walk in and out of my yard, constantly greeted by my pair of golden retrievers.

I walk into my 1000 square foot home with a smile, and a feeling of gratitude.  Yes...gratitude.  When you can look back at what you have endured...when you can forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made...when you can look at your life and BE CONTENT in your spirit...that is gratitude.

I have come full circle, living in a place I never dreamed I would.  Enjoying life with family and friends like I never have.  Getting up in the morning with a sense of purpose and not a feeling of defeat.  Isn't this what life is all about? Learning? Progressing? Maturing into a human being of purpose and contentment?  

Push aside all of the falsehoods of your youth...the "false advertising" of the white picket fence that we all fell for.  Breathe. Focus. Become content in knowing life is hard for EVERYONE; the rich, the poor, the famous, the "nobodies".  How we handle the difficult moments (because they are just that...temporary moments) paves the way on how we can flourish in the glory of the goodness of this world.  

Embrace where you are and love your family and friends with all your heart.
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress" - Frederick Douglas

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Get Up, Stand Up

Happy Leap Year! Wow an extra day to live out your best.

I came across an old Japanese proverb amidst my readings "Fall seven times, stand up eight." Such a simple statement yet incredibly profound at the same time.

To be blatant, the last four years, ironically bookended by a leap year, have been a trip-and-fall mess of life. But I consider myself blessed...and most importantly, resilient.

In reality, placing blame doesn't ease life's hurts and traumas; it just complicates them and delays YOU moving forward.

When stopping in at a local coffee shop, I peeked at a community bulletin board. A tacked-up sticker read "You don't know how strong you are until you're living the circumstances that force you to be strong."

Allow your brain to think positively, connect with others (through your hurts and failures), live your life on purpose EVERYDAY, and face it with a new attitude. Seek the joy in the little moments and cease to dwell on what I call "the big uglies".

Resiliency is not a quality in only a few of us; it is in all of us. So brush off, get up and stand up once more.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do It Anyway

Well I apologize for the massive gap between now and my last posts; to be frank I haven't had it IN me to write. Lately I have left it all on the "field of life"!

Exhausted... day in...day out. Life's disappointments became overwhelming and my inspirations dried up along with my enthusiasm for life. Wow. How absolutely depressing?!?!

When life absolutely stinks it up...do it anyway. LIVE it anyway...put one foot in front of the other and walk it out.

A dear friend recently put it to me like this "you have 2 choices...dwell or move on and learn!!". Hmmmmmmm, let's look at this.

What's more intimidating? A fearless fighter of life...a player...an all-in kind of person or a spectator...a let-things-happen-to-me kind of person?

I am a doer. I am a person of action. I am a woman of my word. I can't say I have always been but I am now. We are here to LIVE this out, BUILD it up, SING out loud!!

The definition of dwell is "to exist in a given place or state". So as a dweller, I am to exist in a place that has been given to me? By what...circumstance? Bad choices? A person? I don't think so!

We are made for more than "dwelling". We are created for excelling...for victory over strife...for love over hate...for LIFE over DEATH.

Dreams shattered? Dream them anyway. Heart broken? Love them anyway. Been told NO YOU CAN'T? Well if I must say....do it anyway.