Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!
When we wake up every day we have an opportunity to change the world. May sound cliche but we truly do! Inside of all of us is an unquenchable passion, an endless abyss of energy, and, often an untapped source of "inner fuel".
What motivates you? Faith? Family? A charity close to your heart? A dream not yet fulfilled?
Once you discover what intrinsically motivates you, you'll tap into an abundant source of energy that will not only help you maintain momentum and sustain optimism...it will bring you to new levels of satisfaction...whether it be personally, professionally, or spiritually.
We got one go around on this roller coaster of life...are you going to ride with your eyes closed clinging to safety? Or are you going to embrace the moments with arms raised, eyes wide open...screaming your lungs out?
Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Lost...or found?
So I am in the strangest place I have ever been. Unemployed. Not by choice. After my school adventure came to an amazing finish in late July with the successful passing of my last state teaching exam, I have been unable to find a job. And to be honest, I am lost. I am in limbo and I do not like it.
Here's the thing...my internal compass isn't "working" either. After one decision is made, I reel back and all of a sudden I am unsure of myself, doubting every move I make and I am standing in this dense forest of life, with no sign of a path, or even a trickle of sunlight. I am truly lost. Or maybe, this place is exactly where I am supposed to be. Hey, I am the preacher of choosing our happiness, making new paths, and following our dreams right? I took this gigantic leap of faith, walked away from a salary job with benefits, to pursue my dream of teaching. So maybe I am not really lost at all...maybe I have found that no matter how SURE we are, how ON FIRE we are for something maybe life has a different plan for me? God is watching saying, "slow down Tiff! You have been a speed ball for years, never slowing and rarely breathing and taking just a moment to look around and SEE WHAT I AM DOING!"
Yes, I am going to find a job as a teacher. The perfect job is out there, waiting for me and in my 40th year on this planet (February will bring me officially into my 4th decade of life God-willing!) I am finally starting to figure it out. Timing. Timing is the "regulation of occurrence, pace or coordination to achieve a desired affect". In the recent past, I have discussed consequence. Well consequence tends to be an undesired affect of choices so....if I am wanting a desired affect - which of course is me landing a job as an elementary teacher near or at my children's school - then shouldn't I let timing take its lovely, patient and forever unpredictable course?
A friend of mine shared with me some very good advice when she was going through the uncertainties of life; she said, "Tiffany, don't let circumstance determine your faith but let your FAITH determine your circumstance!" With that being said, I am not unemployed. I am not lost. I am expecting...expecting a great and wonderful "affect" in the near future. The perfect job that God and my faith has determined. I will embrace and enjoy this time, and know that I always have what I need...and should never want for anything that is not meant for me to have.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Beauty of a Broken Heart
When most people think of a broken heart, they think of something shattered and ugly and just downright scary. I know personally speaking, it is something I never could quite wrap my head (or my heart) around. The definition of a broken heart is "devastating sorrow and despair". Wow. Not something you can really go to the doctors for either, right?
So why, why why why do we continue to invest and weather the stormy unpredictable seas of love if we are just to end up in sorrow and despair? Is it because we are hopeful that this time...this one...will be different? Or maybe it is because we were created on a beautiful amazing foundation of love?
From my perspective, I will tell you a broken heart can happen with great love, with our children, with our family, and with our friends. There is no love like the unrequited love though. The love that knows no boundaries, no conditions, no judgement...just an endless hope that someday somehow it will all work out just right.
I rarely reflect on my own such experiences, especially this one. My heart is currently in a condition that requires much healing, much prayer, much understanding but most of all, it still requires much LOVE. I still believe in love and I still believe in forever. And as I listen to the cliches from friends "time heals all wounds" and "this too shall pass" and blah blah blah...I have no regrets, only memories and smiles and a beautifully broken heart.
Once you have felt that pain of the loss of your love, you heart will feel broken, and dead. It will feel empty, but always know that every heartbreak you have only means you're a step closer to your real love - Salma Rodriguez
Monday, March 25, 2013
No Guilt - Just Growth

Guilt is an exhausting feeling. And it is a cycle that I have found myself taking an unhealthy part in for years. So how do you move from a standpoint of guilt to growth? How do you let go of what wrongs have happened in your life to make room for all the rights?
Acknowledging you have a guilt problem is the first step! Once you admit it to yourself (no, I am not asking you to shout it from the rooftops "I FEEL GUILTY!") but looking in the mirror and saying enough is enough...I am ready to live - that is your first step.

The next step is discovering where and when the guilt cycle began. The third and final step is moving from guilt to growth. Learning from the mistakes, holding ourselves accountable, and moving forward. This step has proven to be my most challenging BUT the most rewarding one. Day by day...minute by minute I can feel the guilt leaving my thought processes and steadily being replaced with a positive outlook, internal motivation and the belief that after all that has happened, my life has potential. I can see the change in me reflected in my children's eyes. The closer I get to living guilt free the farther away I get from the anxieties and fears that have filled my daily life for the better part of my adulthood.
I am responsible for my happiness. I am responsible for my own growth. Guilt can be a heavy weight that holds you down from your life's purpose, and it can restrict your ability to grow and show the world your talents and your heart. Step lightly my friend, but step forward and press on!
“When guilt rears its ugly head confront it, discuss it and let it go. The past is over. It is time to ask what can we do right, not what did we do wrong. Forgive yourself and move on.” -- Bernie S. Siegel
Monday, February 4, 2013
On to the next chapter...
1.A result or effect of an action or condition.
Consequence. In a way, we all live out an aspect of consequence every day. We have all made different choices to get us to where we are at this very moment. The idea of choice and consequence is actually the foundation of the book “The Travelers Gift” by Andy Andrews. How we handle the consequences of our choices (whether they’re good or bad) is really what can create the long lasting change in our lives.
Have you ever read a book that is SO good you put all of your time and energy into reading it? You know the book is going to end yet every free moment you have is spent turning those pages, eager for each detail. The last page of the book…the last word…withdrawal sets in. You do all you can to “re-enter” life but nothing fills the void. Or maybe it was a special project you poured yourself into that is finished…or maybe it is even your favorite football team (by the way the Super Bowl is over!)
Back to my first point…consequence. Consequence and balance fall hand in hand; when your life is out of balance, you will endure consequences. We wake up, and try to be all things to all people. I like to think of an oven with all the burners set on high; no matter how hard you try and stir and maintain the four boiling pots one will spill over or something will get burned. That’s why there are different settings on an oven and that’s we have to have different settings in our minds. Our own wants and needs tend to get set aside and we go go go go go…then we break. We break down and we break through. We tell ourselves “get up and start again” and without any choice, we do. We look at what we have and it results in gratitude and humility. And we progress without regret.
I feel a fire re-igniting from smoldering embers as I start the next chapter in my life. One of focus and self-discovery. Hopefully my writings will reflect it! I just pray I have the strength to be what I need to be to all the beautiful children in my life – they are blessings from above and they look to me to BE their anchor in these stormy seas of life.