Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

When we wake up every day we have an opportunity to change the world. May sound cliche but we truly do! Inside of all of us is an unquenchable passion, an endless abyss of energy, and, often an untapped source of "inner fuel".

What motivates you? Faith? Family? A charity close to your heart? A dream not yet fulfilled?

Once you discover what intrinsically motivates you, you'll tap into an abundant source of energy that will not only help you maintain momentum and sustain optimism...it will bring you to new levels of satisfaction...whether it be personally, professionally, or spiritually.

We got one go around on this roller coaster of life...are you going to ride with your eyes closed clinging to safety? Or are you going to embrace the moments with arms raised, eyes wide open...screaming your lungs out?

Fearlessly live...don't fearfully exist!

-- Read, enjoy, and please share! Tiffany

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Forecast: Overcast & Gloomy

I wanted to be a meteorologist when I was growing up. I only felt this way for a brief time, as when the weather didn't pan out, everyone would turn their anger towards the weatherman. We'd put our 100% faith in his weather report...out would emerge rain chance percentages...or we'd see pictures of suns, or dark clouds with a single bolt of lightning. Now we can just click on an app and we see a radar that's undeniable. The weatherman has become more of newscast staple than the "go-to guy".

Life has no forecasts. Each day is a new adventure...somewhat. It truly is what we make it honestly. The cliche term..."yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, and today is a gift that's why we call it the present" comes to mind. I find it too easy to get caught up in worry, or yesterday's mistakes, or having fear of what has not even happened yet. We walk around this earth with so many dreams in our head, our hearts steel-guarded, and memories of mistakes and "should-haves" running through our minds.

Living in Florida, hurricane season comes every year. Our trusty "go-to guy" weatherman pleads with us yearly to stock up on canned goods, batteries, water, and flash lights. We watch the radars and satellite images in awe, the large swirl of storm clouds with an eye that almost stares back and we...well...we wait. What if we had a life radar where we could see life's storms coming and we could prepare for them as best as we could? Or we could see perfect sunny days without a spot of rain? Of course this is a preposterous idea, but the motive for me asking is if we have no clue what tomorrow holds, why not expect better instead of wait for worse? Practical thinking and realism will only get you so far in this world. We limit ourselves.

I walked outside my home this morning and at first, saw nothing but storm clouds and rain drops. With a sigh, I hurried the dogs back in and the feeling of gloom came over me like a tidal wave. But then I grabbed my laptop and came outside to my sheltered table, and felt the cooler air, watched native birds bask in the thirsty pond, and listened to a chorus of frogs and alligators (yes alligators) revel in the much needed rain.

Choosing to see past the overcast skies and gloomy rain allowed me to have a moment of inspiration and for just a few moments, I re-visited the dream of becoming a meteorologist...smiling and sharing the exciting news of weather to come with an oh-so-captivated audience. Seize each moment regardless of the apparent outward circumstance. Be determined and persevere.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Road Trip Freedom

There is something about road trips that just kind of ignites some inspiration up in me. I can only assimilate it to a grill with coals that have been sitting stagnant for weeks, waiting to be lit up with some fire and fuel to cook up a feast! My road trip philosophy has changed of course, since my children came into the world. Instead of packing my car with friends, coolers, and a jukebox of music...it is replaced with car seats, hand held video games and burned CD's filled with pre-school favorites. As I drove across the state of Florida yesterday, with two kids in back, busily trying to outscore each other on gameboys while munching on the variety of snacks I hurriedly packed, thoughts of my past lives (isn't that what they are...lives?) sporadically ran through my head.

As I peeked in my rear view mirror at my overly distracted children, THE family road trip from Providence, RI to Disneyworld immediately came to mind. With a stearn finger and a deep voice, my father stood over me and my two brothers, and one by one reminded us of the car "rules". I am not sure the exact verbatim but the ideas that spring to mind are #1 no fighting....#2 no fun....#3 no noise and my favorite #4 if you have to go to the bathroom, wait until we stop...never ask. Furthermore, I recall my clothes smelling worse than a smoky bar. Back in the 80's, science hadn't discovered that cigarette smoke and lung issues were correlated. The smoke from my dad's salem light 100's would trickle into the back seat and surround us like a cloud...we were all "crammed" into the back seat of the latest and greatest cadillac (no bucket seats or dvd players for us!) and we had word search books (gasp), walkmans with cassette tapes (huh?) and maybe a soda as NO FOOD was allowed in the car ever....maybe that was rule #5?

I always sat behind my mom on the window...my little brother got the middle seat and my other brother would be off in his own world behind my dad. I remember looking out the window and noticing the change in landscape from state to state, and listening to the same songs over and over again on my walkman, imagining and dreaming of adulthood...and freedom. Isn't that what we all want?

Freedom. Freedom from our schedules, our burdens, our obligations, our past mistakes. How free is our life now? I relish the free time I now have on an airplane ride. No phone, no wireless service...I have to get 35,000 feet above this place in order to have freedom to process all that is truly happening in my life. The blackberry dinging, the emails pouring in...the unrelenting computer screens. And don't forget to mention, the obligations that comes along with parenthood and relationships.

Now, when I look back at that time, me sitting behind my always obedient mother while peering out the smoky windows of a cadillac, silently crossing state borders on our way to the land where dreams come true (promises, promises Mickey!), I am realizing freedom lies within ourselves and within our ability to self discipline. Freedom means to me the ability to do what I want when I want without having to explain myself away to anyone. Freedom is putting what is important FIRST and all of the other distractions fall to the waist side. What is freedom to you?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Conquering Fear x 3

The word "fear" even sounds scary, yes? Many of us struggle with fears. Past hurts, ongoing stress, and modern day realities feed our fears incessantly. Take control and identify these fears. Grab life by its stormy reigns and rule the windy roads of uncertainty!

Fear #1 Not being good enough
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." -Marianne Williamson.
Have we adopted the "barely get by" mentality? We maintain a status quo, settle for less than the best and stay satisfied with mediocre. Ironically, all of us have IT in us; IT being magic, drive, potential, success, power, charisma and fearlessness. At the end of the day, we should never care what others think. According to Andy Andrews, if you fear criticism you'll never act or do anything of substance. Think about it.

Fear #2 Being rejected
"Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed."-Michael Pritchard. It's three am and the house is quiet and of course, very dark. The thoughts creep in...not having enough, not doing enough, not being enough, not working hard enough...fears. Fears steal from us. They are like a thief that we give the keys to and say "have at it". WE choose what we fear and WE choose what we conquer. Think about it.

Fear #3 Vulnerability
"To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead."-Bertrand Russell. Ahhhh the fear of love. The fear of giving a part of yourself that you may never get back. Anyone who knows me knows I am a lover of life...a passionate crazy enthusiastic lover of life. I give 100% of myself to my amazing children and I will continue to give all of myself to the world because in the end...what matters? I can leave an imprint; I can leave a legacy; I can inspire but most importantly, I can live without fear. Think about it.

"Life itself is a privilege. To live life to its fullest is a choice." - The Traveler's Gift